Total International Student Population in Germany
Around 330 thousand international students are enrolled in German higher education institutions, making 15-20 % of the total student population. Universities enroll roughly 70% of the foreign students. Most of the international students’ study Engineering at German universities. They form 35 % of all international students.11 % growth in number of Indian students studying in Germany and numbers reached 15 thousand in September 2022. Rate of growth of Indian students is 3 x the global average of 4.4 %. Indians form the 2nd largest group of international students enrolled at German universities, second only to Chinese.
As per the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the total number of estimated international students in German universities was 374,580 enrolled in 2018, up from 330,000 in 2022. This represents 4.4% growth, slightly less than the 5.5% growth the previous year.
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